Respect Others
Polite and objective interaction with one another is what this forum is all about. Criticising others, talking bad about people, or even smearing their name has no place in the DGNB network - neither at events, nor here online. If a user does misbehave in myDGNB, we reserve the right to block their profile permanently.
If you share articles, links or photos, please make sure they come from reputable sources. You must also ensure that content from different sources may be published and personal privacy is not violated. Obviously, copyright applies in all instances!
myDGNB is a digital exchange platform for discussion topics of interest to other experts and professionals in your area. Ideally, you should only share content relevant (and hopefully of interest) to the sustainable building community. Please also refrain from trying to promote your company or services in comments, unless there is a direct reference to the actual content of articles.
We cannot be held accountable for contributions or posts submitted by third-party myDGNB users. Individuals are responsible for their own actions.
The idea of these netiquette guidelines is to ensure everyone feels at home and enjoys using the myDGNB forum. In the event of violations of these guidelines, we reserve the right to delete posts, comments or content – without explanation – and, if deemed necessary, block users temporarily or permanently from using myDGNB.